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Iowa Wind Energy Association

Wind Power Facts:

Wind Energy Benefits Dickinson County

Dickinson County in NW Iowa has 97 wind turbines.  During the current tax collection cycle, $443,470 is being collected from these turbines to distribute to county, school districts, the area community college, hospital, etc.  For the 1-2012 valuation, $10,862,000 additional valuation was gained from the turbines, with a similar amount to be added in the next 4 assessment years (2013-2016).  When these turbines are at full (30%) assessment they will contribute $80,978,800 to the county tax base.

Wind Energy Benefits Pocahontas County

A total of 216 wind turbines have been constructed in Pocahontas County.  In the most recent year, the turbines contributed $23.5 million in additional assessed value.  When all turbines are at full taxable value, they will contribute an estimated total of $189 million to the total county tax base.  Tax assessments for the wind turbines comprise 9% of the total county tax base currently and is likely to increase as the newer turbines reach full assessed valuation.  The county has received over $3 million dollars in tax revenue from these wind turbines during the past 3 years.  The wind turbines have increased tax receipts to the county and to some local school district budgets and some residents have actually seen their tax bill decrease as a reult of the expanded tax base! – IWEA

Iowan’s Support Wind Energy

According to a recent poll of Iowan’s attitudes regarding wind energy by Public Opinion Strategies, 85% of Iowan’s view wind energy favorably, more so than any other generation source.  Further, when asked “which type of energy source would you prefer for Iowa” 51% of Iowan’s said wind energy, more than any other source as well!

Iowa’s Total Wind Resource

75% of Iowa is suitable for wind energy development with an estimated total wind resource of 570,000 megawatts


Number of Utility Scale Turbines



Wind Energy Jobs

The wind energy industry in Iowa currently employs 6,000 to 7,000 in all wind related employment.  This ranks Iowa 1st in the nation in employment related to the wind energy industry!


Landowner Lease Payments

Iowa landowners with wind turbines on their land receive an estmated $14.46 million dollars annually in lease payments.


Property Tax Assessed Value

Wind turbine property can be assessed at a maximum of 30% of the total acquisition and construction cost.  A tax abatement period of 6 years allows 5% of the assessed value to be added to the county tax rolls each year.  The increase in assessed value after the abatement period passes for turbines currently operating in Iowa is estimated to be $2.6 billion dollars!


IWEA Installed Capacity Goals

The Iowa Wind Energy Association is proposing new goals for installed capacity.  The proposed goal is 20,000 megawatts of installed capacity by 2030!


The Power of Wind Energy

Iowa’s installed wind generators can produce enough power to provide electricity to over 1,100,000 average sized homes!


A Model for America: Iowa Wind Power

Iowa has become a national leader in the production of wind energy for many reasons.

Installed Capacity

As of the end of December 2012, Iowa has 5,137 megawatts of installed wind capacity which is 3nd in the nation.

Average Wind Capacity Factor

33.3% – IUB

Iowa #1 in Nation in Wind Energy Production

During 2012, Iowa produced about 25% of all the electricity generated in the state from wind turbines and is first in the nation in terms of the percentage of total generation from wind energy!  Iowa was also the first state in the nation to exceed 20% of total generation coming from wind energy.


Iowa’s Wind Resource

7th best wind resource in the nation – AWEA

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