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I just decreased my Arlington TX homesteads value 31% citing fracking nearby

Posted on August 23, 2013 in Arlington TX Barnett Shale Blogger

“I protested the value of my home last month with the Tarrant County Appraisal Board. I had planned to do this ever since they started drilling last summer two blocks from where we live by the ATT Cowboys Stadium in Arlington (gasland) Texas.

I was allowed the amount (a 31% decrease) that I felt my home was worth now that drilling has moved in. My property has joined those other Arlington properties (we have about 60 different padsites in a 99 sq mile area) of having the stigma of being near high impact industrial mining operations in a residential area.

The hearing was recorded and I invite anyone to do a PIR so they could hear me rant about how now my husband has cancer and my teen has biomarkers for an adrenal tumor. I told them that everybody living near drilling needs to protest their property values and that I’ll be back next year to get another decrease because I just found out that our city also allowed an old gasoline station with known ground water and soil contamination to be exempt from any brownfield clean up near my home through an MSD12-1 loophole…in fact if you go to the city website, you’ll see that they started adding some of the drill site locations as future brownfield risk locations. Just type in a street name that a drill site is located on and you’ll see info like this pictured below…..”

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