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Ohio Group: MADION Mothers Against Drilling In Our Neighborhoods

Check out this AMAZING group of moms and other concerned residents in Ohio!  This is from their “about” page, and the entire website is inspiring:

Mothers Against Drilling In Our Neighborhoods, or MADION, is a group formed by Ohio mothers whose sole mission is to preserve the health and safety of our children from the harmful effects of drilling for gas and oil in our neighborhoods. We’ve come together from across northeast and central Ohio – from Cleveland Heights, Mentor, Hirem, Brecksville, Broadview Heights, North Royalton, Brunswick, Medina, Aurora, and Columbus – because we choose to do something to stop the unsafe drilling for gas and oil in our neighborhoods.

Even though MADION was initiated by moms, this group welcomes and includes dads, grandparents, aunts, uncles and many other individuals who feel the gas and oil drilling companies have stripped us of our basic civil rights to clean air, clean water and a safe environment for our children.

In 2004, Governor Taft signed Ohio House Bill 278 which stripped each local government of their authority to govern as their residents deemed appropriate for their community as it relates to gas and oil drilling within their city limits. The government entity approving leases for gas and oil drilling in residential neighborhoods is the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR). This department is funded by the revenue it generates by issuing licenses and permits, and this includes issuing permits for the drilling of gas and oil wells. The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency is supposed to enforce regulations passed by our legislators for clean air and water. The government official responsible for exempting the gas and oil companies from the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act (Energy Policy Act of 2005) is former Vice-President Dick Cheney. The Ohio politician spearheading the desecration of our neighborhoods due to all the gas and oil well drilling in our backyards is Governor Kasich. As of his last campaign, he has received over a quarter million dollars in contributions from the gas and oil industry.

MADION is not a political group nor is it an environmental group. We are simply a group of Ohio adults who care about the health of all our children, and the quality and safety of their environment. However, many of the elected officials of the State of Ohio have stripped all of us of our ability and right to keep our children safe from the exposure to toxic, carcinogenic chemicals/gases from drilling and fracking of gas and oil wells in our own neighborhoods. The State of Ohio decides whose children will be exposed to chemicals and gases from drilling and we have absolutely no say in this matter….until now.

There is much credible, scientific information available to everyone to learn about how drilling for gas and oil so close to our homes will cause health defects, harm to endocrine systems, harm to lung function, contamination of our soil and water and many other effects. This is due to a very probable direct link between gas and oil drilling and the toxic, carcinogenic chemicals and gases emitted during the drilling and fracking (hydraulic fracturing) phases into our air, water and soil.

We invite you to do your own research as well as view the research we have included on this website. KNOWLEDGE will bring you the opportunity to realize the true facts as it relates to the safety of your family when drilling is allowed so close to our homes. “These are our children. It is our duty to keep them safe. No one will force us to expose our children to chemicals and gases that may rob them of long, healthy lives.”– Michelle, co-founder of MADION


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