Harrisburg, IL supports fracking
Harrisburg City Council passed a resolution in support of high volume hydraulic fracturing as a method of natural gas extraction in the Illinois Basin at the behest of Kevin Reimer, a geologist from Harrisburg. Council members agreed the industry could create many jobs, bring a lot of money to the city and had the assurance of the Environmental Protection Agency Lisa Jackson “that she was ‘not aware of any proven case where the fracking process itself’ had affected water,” the resolution states.
from last page, last paragraph at http://www.dailyregister.com/article/20121207/NEWS/121209365/0/SEARCH#art-tit
See SAFE’s response to Lisa Jackson’s quote at http://www.dontfractureillinois.net/safe-responds-to-ipaa-accuses-safe-of-misleading-the-public/